Gasoline can get spilled on your clothes every once in a while as you can be a mechanic who repairs vehicles or a driver who needs to fuel up at the gas station. Even an accident at the gas station or at home can cause you to get gasoline on your clothes, but it can be tricky to remove.
According to the report of The Washington Post, gasoline can leave an oily residue and still smell, even after washing several times, as it is a petroleum product. Also, you need to be extremely careful when removing hazardous stains due to the flammable nature of the gasoline.
And many types of clothes are very delicate and can’t resist the harsh effect of gasoline very well. So, you need to try to remove gasoline stains and odors from your clothes as soon as possible.
In this article, we have shared 7 simple and quick tips on how to get gasoline out of clothes safely and successfully. And for the safest removal, you should use personal protective equipment while handling clothes.
Also, here we have discussed whether you should wash clothes with gasoline on them and put the gasoline-stained clothes in the dryer.
So, let’s get started.
Table of Contents
Should You Wash Clothes With Gasoline On Them
Washing clothes with gasoline on them your hands is a lot safer than washing them in the washing machine. Pre-treatment process of clothes with a gasoline stain is very much necessary to help break down the stain.
It also helps you to ensure that the odor is completely removed before you put it in the washing machine. Because the odor plays a vital part in the flammability of gasoline.
And there is always a risk of the gasoline fumes causing a fire, as washing machines are electrical. However, if you are washing the clothing in hot water or running the dryer at the same time, then it increases the risk of fire.
Also, washing your gasoline-stained clothing along with the other clothes can cause the odor to spread to your other clothing as well. So, it can also increase the risk of fire.
Even if any stain remains on the clothing after pre-treatment and hand-washing, the most important thing is to ensure that the odor is completely removed.
So, if you can get rid of the odor using the pre-treatment products, then the actual stain can be removed from the clothes in the washing machine.
How To Get Gasoline Out Of Clothes: 7 Simple Tips
Taking good care of your clothes is a great way to ensure that they last longer so you can enjoy wearing them for a long time. Here are 7 simple and quick tips on how to get gasoline out of clothes.
1. Remove Any Excess Gasoline
The very first thing you will want to do is to blot the fabric with paper towels to remove any excess gasoline if the stain is still wet. Also, you can use baking soda or sprinkle baking soda onto the stain to absorb the excess gasoline from a wet spot on your clothes.
And if you are using a paper towel, you should not throw it away after you are finished using it due to the gasoline fumes that will be on it. So, you need to dispose of the paper towels safely.
Because you must ensure that you prevent the flammable towels or cloths used for blotting from starting a fire. To do this, first, leave the cloth or towel outside in the open air to air dry for 24 hours.
Then, flammable gas fumes will gradually dissipate in the open air. Now, once the item is dry, find a sealable tin container and put the towel or cloth in it. And then wet the material until it is damp, and seal the container. Finally, discard it with your trash.
2. Pretreat With A Solvent-based Stain Remover
Now, you need to pretreat your stained clothing with a solvent-based commercial stain removal product to break up the petroleum products. Then, just use a scrub brush to work the stain remover into the fabric. You should allow the stain removal product to work for at least 15 minutes before washing.
After that, hand-wash the clothing by letting it soak in hot water (depending on the fabric type) for 30 minutes or in the hottest setting appropriate for the fabric. Because hot water is necessary to remove the gas fully from the clothing and clean your clothes.
Then, after 30 minutes, you should rinse the clothing to remove the stain remover and gasoline stain. These stain removers should do the job for you. However, if any stain or odor remains, then you should move on to the next steps.
3. Pretreat With Liquid Dish Soap Or Heavy-duty Liquid Detergent
There is an alternate pretreatment option for your clothing which is dish soap or detergent. Liquid dish soap is usually designed to remove greasy and oily stains.
Because, generally dish soap has powerful enzymes in it that can help to break down oil and grease left behind by food, and it can also work very well for other stains such as gasoline.
You can apply a little bit of dish soap to the stain and rub it in. And then let it sit for 15-30 minutes to allow the stain and odor time to break down. However, if it is not available for you, you can also pretreat with an enzyme-based heavy-duty liquid detergent.
You will need 2 tablespoons of liquid detergent and a soft-bristle brush. Then, allow the clothing to soak for up to five minutes in detergent and wash it in the hottest water the fabric allows. Hopefully, all of the gasoline should be removed from your clothes.
4. Soak The Heavily Stained Items In Ammonia Solution
Another option for extremely heavy odors and stains is to soak your clothing in the washer full of warm water and 1 cup of non-sudsing household ammonia. You will definitely want to use the washing machine because you can shut the lid as ammonia produces a strong smell.
Then, soak it for several hours or overnight. After it has soaked, drain the washing machine and check the clothing to see if the odor has been removed from it.
If it has been removed, then you can wash the clothes, as usual, using the hottest water possible for the fabric. If it hasn’t, then you need to repeat the process or try another method.
However, you should never use any chlorine bleach or detergents containing chlorine with the ammonia solution, because this mixture makes a dangerous form of chlorine gas that produces toxic fumes.
Also, when using ammonia, you should wear gloves while handling it as it is a strong chemical.
5. Try Baking Soda If Any Odor Remains
After washing, you should check the clothes for odor and stains. If any odor or stain remains, then you can try baking soda. You should make a baking soda paste of 2 parts baking soda and 1 part water and rub it directly onto the stain of the clothes using a scrub brush.
Then, just allow it to air dry and brush the excess baking soda off of the fabric. You should repeat this step until the gasoline is fully removed from the clothing.
And, then wash the clothes as usual. You can also try an alternative way which is to soak the stain overnight in water with 1 cup of baking soda added.
Then, wash and rinse the clothes and check for odor. If necessary, you should repeat this process until the stain is fully removed, and then wash as normal. But, if the stain still remains, you can move on to the next method.
6. You Can Try A Vinegar Solution If You Have Any Gasoline Smell Left
If you still have any gasoline smell left on your clothing, you can also try a solution of vinegar and water. Vinegar is a very effective, affordable, and eco-friendly stain remover.
Because it has acidic properties which help to break down stains and odors. And only one cup of vinegar is usually enough. You should let the clothing soak in the vinegar solution for about 30 minutes.
However, if the stain and odor still remain, you can repeat the process as needed, because it is a good natural option to remove stains from your clothing without damaging it. Then, wash the clothing as normal.
You should use more or less vinegar mixed with hot water, depending on how strong the gasoline stain is.
It can also remove the common soapy residue and makes your clothes last longer. And if this process doesn’t work for you, you should move on to the next method.
7. Use Orange Cleaner As A Last Resort
As a final resort, you can add a little amount of orange cleaner to the wash load to break down the traces of gasoline and get rid of the unwanted smell. You should use an all-purpose cleaner derived from oranges.
You can easily make an all-purpose cleaner on your own by mixing water with orange or lemon because citrus fruits are very effective to eliminate traces of gasoline and its smell from your clothes. And they also add a wonderful natural scent to your clothing.
Now, you need to apply the cleaning solution to the stained area, and let it soak for at least half an hour.
These natural and homemade fabric cleaners are the most affordable and eco-friendly alternatives to traditional cleaning products and you should definitely use them to save money.
Is It A Good Idea To Put Gasoline Stained Clothes In The Dryer
It is definitely not a good idea to put gasoline-stained clothes in the dryer, even after washing them completely.
Because, not only will this set the stain if it was not removed completely from the clothes, but it can also cause a fire if any fumes are still left due to the heat and electricity produced by the dryer.
So, the best possible way to dry the clothing that has been stained with gasoline is to line-dry or air-dry the clothing outside. Because this will help to dissolve the fumes and decrease the risk of any fire.
Now, once the stain has been removed from the clothing and it has been left outside for at least 24 hours, then you can dry the clothing in the dryer after the next wash.
So, whenever possible, you should definitely try to air-dry your clothing to avoid any prospect of a fire breaking out.
Wrap-Up On How To Get Gasoline Out Of Clothes
Gasoline can sometimes be a tough stain to remove, so if you can pre-treat the clothing with the right products to break down the stain and odor before washing, you will have much better success.
Clothes stained with gasoline must not be washed with other clothing, because it can cause the odor to spread to your other clothing also.
Also, you can test the cleaning solutions before using them to ensure that they would not discolor the fabric. These 7 methods should remove the stain and odor from your clothes.
If the stain is big or continues to remain after trying all these methods, then you should take help from professional cleaners.
And you shouldn’t dry the clothing in a dryer until the odor has been completely removed. Because it can cause a fire, remember it as a precaution, and if possible, dry the clothes outside.
So, I hope you found our article helpful and if you still have any questions regarding this topic, please let us know in the comments below.
FAQ: How To Get Gasoline Out Of Clothes
There are many reasons which can cause you to get gasoline on your clothes. That is why many people have lots of questions related to this topic. Here, I have answered some of the most relevant ones.
Q1. How Long Does Gasoline Stay On Clothing?
Ans: Even after washing it several times, gasoline can still leave an oily residue and smell. So, if you want to be fully safe, before washing the clothing, you should leave the clothes outside to air out for at least 24 hours, until the smell is completely gone.
Q2. Is Gasoline Still Flammable After It Dries?
Ans: Gasoline is a liquid that evaporates quickly when it is exposed to air. However, when the lighter parts of the gas evaporate, there can be a tiny oily residue that may or may not be flammable. So, if you leave it outside and it dries, there will be no gasoline to catch fire.
Q3. Can You Wash Gasoline Off With Soap?
Ans: To get rid of the smell of gasoline from your hands, you can first wash them in warm water with the strongest soap you have. Then, you should try washing them with one of these – a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, or lemon juice.