How To Soundproof A Generator Enclosure: Complete DIY Guide

How To Soundproof A Generator Enclosure: Complete DIY Guide

Soundproofing the exciting generator enclosure will help you to reduce the noise of your generator.

Generally, we already have a generator box so building a new one is not the right thing. If your generator box isn’t effective to reduce noise.

Then you can easily soundproof your existing generator box.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, 45dB for indoor and 55dB for outdoor is the maximum amount of noise allowed in residential areas.

If anyone tries to increase the volume then anyone has the right to complain against it.

But a normal generator is producing around 45dB to 72dB of noise. So if you are unable to block the noise of your generator.

Then it may cost you more if any neighbor files a complaint against you.

So if you don’t have much time to build the new one. Then installing some soundproofing material will help you reduce most of the noise.

But what are those soundproofing materials? How can you install them? What things are required?

That’s why you need to read this article because I have covered all the information on how you can soundproof your existing generator enclosure easily.

Additionally, I have given information about what type of soundproof generator box is better for this work.

So let’s start with 3 Important things that you need to check before installing any soundproof material.

What Type Of Soundproof Existing Garage Enclosure Works Well

Soundproofing an existing generator enclosure is not an easy thing. Suppose if you have a metal soundproof box then you can use green glue in it.

So it depends on many factors whether or not you need to use which type of soundproof material. Otherwise, this will not work effectively.

1. Wooden

If you have a wooden soundproof generator box then you need to know how much it is already reducing the noise.

Generally, a smooth and better reflective wooden surface can reflect around NRC 0.05 to 0.15 noise.

But if you are using thick plywood then you are getting around 0.23 NRC.

Then I might be sure around 45dB to 49dB noise is coming from the quiet generator box. So don’t need to put lots of soundproofing material.

2. Metal

Generally, we use a metal soundproof generator box because it is very easy to assemble and disassemble.

But is it reducing the good amount of noise or not? Usually metal is not a great sound reduction material.

Because its particles are very tough to absorb noise and noise will only reduce with a soft surface.

So if you are also using a metal quiet box then you probably need more soundproofing materials.

3. Concrete

Building a permanent box for your generator isn’t a great choice. Because the concrete surface also has a tough surface.

That will usually not work well to reduce the noise. It also can’t be assembled and disassembled properly.

While building the soundproof generator box this is very important.

4. Plastic

Using a plastic-made generator quiet box is very rare. People avoided using it because it is harmful to the environment.

But can this reduce the noise level or not. This can reduce the noise level from 6dB to 15dB but I don’t recommend using it.

Because it can’t handle too hot and cold weather. That is usually a big issue.

So these are some of the types of generator quiet box. After reading now you are clear how well your soundproof generator enclosure is.

This will help you decide how much you need to soundproof your quiet box. Now let’s move amazing ways to soundproof your noisy generator box.

How To Soundproof A Generator Enclosure using DIY

While consulting with a professional I found that installing soundproofing material is very simple work.

But identity with soundproof material works well is a crucial part of it. These ways help you decide how you can do this.

1. Reduce The Vibrations

Living in a new and amazing house gives you a great feeling I know. Because I felt the same I have felt when I shifted to a new house.

But its initial power failure is the main issue that I was facing. That’s why I bought a generator but its noise and vibrations were hilarious for me.

I noticed that Its vibrations literally increased the noise by 2 to 3 times more.

That’s why I have tried some soundproofing materials to reduce its vibrations first. Do you want to know what those materials are?

Acoustic Foam Mats

Have you used any yoga mat? If yes, then you are probably familiar with its fluffy surface that will give you comfort while doing Iyengar, power, and different types of yogas.

This is because those are made with polyurethane microfiber. This is good to reduce impact noise and provide better comfort.

The same is also used in the acoustic foam mats but the generator is quite different from humans.

That’s why you will find some extra density of the microfiber material. That will help you to reduce the noise. I suggest you need to place the generator onto this mat.

Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF)

Using a hard and softcore with each other is really a great idea. Because this will reduce the vibrations more effectively than any other.

That’s why I have used a medium-density fiberboard underneath the generator.

Usually, MDF is an engineered wood made with soft and hardwood combined with wax and resin with the highest temperature and pressure.

That provides the highest efficacy to reduce vibrations. So first you need to lay down the acoustic foam on the surface.

Then you need to keep 2 wooden pieces on it. And at the last place the MDF onto the wooden pieces.

So it will not directly be connected with the bottom surface of the quiet box.

Now are free from the vibrations of your generator.

Literally, if you tried this way then you will feel the big change in the vibrations and noise as well of your generator. But now you need to block the noise.

2. Block The Noise

After vibrations, noise is the second biggest enemy while using the generator. So if you are making your existing generator box soundproof.

Do you know what things can change this? Blocking the noise inside the quiet generator box is too hard.

Because you need to make it as much as effective from outside and inside as well. So how can you do that?

Green Glue Noiseproofing Compound

While building your existing generator box have you left any gap inside it? Because it will become the major part for leaking the noise outside.

According to NASA, sound waves can transmit very easily if there is no solid barrier to block the noise.

So when you left any gap and whole inside your quiet generator box.

Then any soundproofing material will not work well. So first you need to fill them by using green glue.

Because it is more efficient and can also reduce noise transmission than any ordinary glue.

If you don’t have a large budget for your soundproofing project. Still, you can include green glue because this is a very cost-effective sound-damping material in the market.

Mass Loaded Vinyl (MLV)

Whether you have blocked every possible gap and hole inside your soundproof generator box.

But still sound can travel through the box. Although its level will reduce to the standard noise level.

But this will still disturb you if you are working in your house or project.

That’s why covering the box completely with MLV will help you to reduce the most amount of noise.

Because mass loaded vinyl (MLV) also called limp mass barrier is made with the highest density barium sulfate.

That is also a nontoxic chemical and vinyl that gives flexibility, so that you can easily use it as cover outside the generator box.

If you have a wooden generator box then this is quite well. Because I just need to use an air stapler to stapling the MLV on the surface.

But if you haven’t then you need to use caulk or any effective sealant to stick it with the surface.

You can get more idea on how MLV (Mass loaded vinyl) is more effective.

3. Absorb The Noise

Sound absorption and soundproofing are two different ways to reduce sound transmission.

Generally, sound absorption absorbs the echoes and noise within the room. On the other hand, soundproofing blocks and reduces the noise level.

Whether you need to block noise within a big room or a small box.

If you want to reduce the noise most effectively then you need to use both of them. When you combine sound absorption and soundproofing.

Then you will get the perfect barrier that can’t break. So now you need to understand some sound absorption materials. That can be used in the small compartment.

Soundproof Panel

As I have explained earlier that I have shifted my house from old to new and bigger one due to working from home.

So I need silence so that I can do my work effectively. But when I started the generator it just smashed my work and I was not able to work.

After that, I decided to soundproof my generator box.

Then I have noticed that soundproofing and sound absorbing is the best way to make things better.

I knew that soundproofing and sound absorbing is very simple. Because first I am running this website and secondly I have already soundproof my garage for my music practice.

That’s why I select soundproof panels for sound absorbing as a quiet generator enclosure.

Because it can easily fit in your small soundproof generator box. Usually, some of the soundproof panels can be fit in the size.

So this is necessary to check the actual size of your generator box first. So that you can select the exact size for it.

Otherwise, you need to cut it down, which can be a little bit messy for you.

First, you need to completely disassemble your generator box. So that you can easily install all of them.

As I have explained that if you have a wooden box then you just need to staple it on the surface.

If not then you need to stick them on the wall by using any glue. Make sure you need to do this after soundproofing the box inside.

4. Building The Middle Layer

Heaving a generator box is really a great thing to work silently with comfort.

Because of the only thing you need to install some soundproofing materials to make it better for blocking noise.

Usually, installing soundproofing material will help you to reduce the noise. But this will not totally give to a silent environment.

So using some effective things will increase the effectiveness of the soundproofing.

That’s why If you have a bigger generator box then you can build a middle layer inside it.

This will help you create another tough layer for noise. So when you build another layer then I recommend installing acoustic foam in the cavity.

This will be the most effective way to reduce the noise.

Note: Suppose if you have completely closed your generator quiet box.

Then its temperature may increase if you haven’t left any hole to pass through the air.

That’s why while making your generator box soundproof make sure to leave air ventilation holes for it.

I know this will also give me a chance to escape the noise. But this is the only way.

How To Install Soundproof Materials In Your Generator Box

Whether you have installed before anything, have already worked on several projects.

But understanding how to install soundproof materials in your generator box is a crucial part.

Because this will give you a clear idea of what you should do next. 

#Step 1. You need to make a perfect plan that should include all the things related to the soundproof generator box.

#Step 2. Measuring the generator box will help you understand what size you need of any soundproof material.

#Step 3. Then you need to close all the gaps and cracks by filling green glue in them.

#Step 4. Lay down the acoustic foam mat on the bottom surface of the quiet generator box.

#Step 5. Put the MDF on the pieces of wood on the acoustic mat.

#Step 6. Install all the sound absorption panels on the generator box walls.

#Step 7. Cover the box completely with mass-loaded vinyl.

#Additionally 8. You can also build a middle layer inside the generator box.   

Now you understand how you can build your effective soundproof generator box. 

Wrap Up On How To Soundproof A Generator Enclosure

Whether you are working or enjoying your private time. Or making your living place more peaceful and comfortable needs silence

. But if you’re gonna start your generator then it usually disturbs your silence.

I know buying a soundproof generator box is quite expensive work that’s why if you don’t have money to invest. 

So you can easily make it one for you by installing all the necessary soundproofing materials in it.

That’s why I have written this article to give deep information to build your existing generator box into a quiet box. 

So if you follow these ways to make your soundproof generator enclosure. Then you will also find a big change in the sound level.

Because a better sound barrier reduces the most amount of noise. But this is only possible when you use them. 

FAQ: How To Soundproof A Generator Enclosure

I know converting an ordinary generator box into a quiet box is not so easy. That’s why many people are facing lots of problems.

I have tried to give the appropriate answers to 3 common questions after consulting with a professional.

But if you have another one then you can simply ask in the comment section. I will reply as soon as possible.

How much does it cost to soundproof a generator enclosure?

Generally, making a soundproof generator box will cost you around $1000 to $1500 estimated.

But this may go up and down because this depends on many factors.

Such as the quality, compromise, how many materials you are using, and more.

How much noise a soundproof generator box can reduce?

This also depends on many factors such as what type of generator box you have, whether you use the middle layer or not, and other important things.

But usually, if you follow my given way to convert your generator box into soundproof.

Then this will literally reduce around half or even more of your current sound level coming from your generator box. 

Can I use an automotive muffler to reduce the generator noise?

Yes, you can attach your automotive muffler with your generator. But if your generator is portable otherwise this will not work.

This will help you reduce more noise. Because it will create a destructive interface that will cancel each other out.

Hey, I am Kirtish Vyas a YouTuber and believer in making life peaceful, a couple of years back I started soundproofing my house, bedroom, studio, and Car to reduce the unwanted noise, and the same experience I am sharing on SoundProofidea. Read More